


The education is important, and the learning is essential. But the real world happens to be vastly different from the theory in the textbooks. We want our students to be well prepared for the real jobs, with real on the job problem therefore we have collaborated with over a dozen hospitals and related industries.
Our partners help each of our students to understand the real job pressures and ethics by allowing them to visit their facilities and the students get an opportunity to shadow an employ on the job. Our partners are specialist in their fields and they regularly visit our institution to guide students and also educate them with the requirements, changes, and new challenges the pharma industry is facing and equipped them with the knowledge to overcome the challenges at the same time.
We conduct a placement drive every academic year to guide our students with CV drafting, aptitude tests and mock interviews. Our industry partners and other related organisation are also invited to take part of our placement cell in which they short list candidate and upon successfully going through their respective s followed by a formal interview and selection process.
Which is followed by their respective interview and selection process and a successful candidate secures a job before they have obtained their degrees or diplomas.